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                Google Chrome Update Impacts - Februrary 2023

                February 19, 2023

                In February 2023, Google will roll out an update to their Chrome browser that changes how third party cookies are handled.  This update, which was announced in May of last year, will provide a safer and more secure user experience when browsing content on the web, but it could have negative impacts on those websites/systems that are not prepared.

                The update specifically uses a feature called “... read more

                PlayPosit for Increased Learner Engagement

                October 22, 2023


                Learn more about PlayPosit, now fully integrated into Canvas! PlayPosit is a tool that allows you to transform passive video into interactive, learning-focused experience.

                We’ve all been there: We integrated videos into our program because we’ve read that they work. They’re... read more


                Course Spotlight


                Gradescope: How I use it and why I love it

                Regardless of your subject matter and class size, there might be benefits to you.

                - Natalia Córdova Sánchez, Lecturer in Psychology

                fq 功能和强大的翻墙软件 - 下载 - 搜珍网:2021-9-11 · fq 福祺商业制衣管理系统 fq 用VB编写的一个方波合成分 fq1236-3 philips fq 51单片机测频率的程序 FQ socket通讯的基本例子 fq lpc915单片机频率发生 fq-cbr This file fq-cbr tcl scrip fq 本软件应用在局域网中 FQ-patch 飞秋补丁 修改 fq 有限体积法求解方腔流动
